I held another book signing today - at my church. I'm also arranging book signings at a couple of coffee houses around town. The official release date of The Hands of Christ is almost here - just three weeks away. After that the book will be more available than it is now. It will be available at online booksellers and in the bookstores that order it and put it on their shelves. It is available at Amazon now, as well as at my publisher's website. Tate Publishing and Enterprises is the publisher. Links to both are in the sidebar on the right side of this site.
Selling and signing my book is my life's work right now, and I'll keep that up until it catches on and gains some traction by word of mouth from people that have read it, and that can take a long time. This is a big country and I have friends and family all over it. Barbara, my wife, helps out with book sales, so we get to travel around together.
A second novel is in the works. It's an adventure/mystery. It doesn't have a title yet. And I don't know how long it will take to finish it and get it published. This is a slow industry, unless a big name person is writing about a current event, and that demands that it be on the market while the issue is still an issue. But for the rest of us, it's slow. I'll publish more on the next book as it takes shape.